Thursday, February 15, 2007

Web 2.0 Awards

I decided to just check out the winners list so I wouldn't be tempted to look at too many apps. Hurray for Flickr, first place winner for photos and digital images. Hurray for Google docs for first place for Collaborative Writing & Word Processing (under the previous name Writely), Hurray for Craig's List, which is the only one I had previously used prior to these lessons and lastly, Hurray to Robin and Bobbie for choosing award winning applications for the staff to learn about.

The awards are given by SEOmoz, a Seattle-based search engine optimization company, serves as a hub for search marketers worldwide, providing education, tools, resources and paid services.

Since I was looking for something that might have library use, I decided to check out the Supreme Court Zeitgeist. This site was the first place winner for MashUps. It brings together links to news stories, websites, blogs, books and magazine links about the supreme court, current cases and issues facing the court. It also has links to do research on the supreme court. I thought this page could be useful answering reference questions and also following issues of censorship, privacy laws concerning libraries (patron checkout records, computer usage etc.) and minors access to the Internet. It also gave me a different view of mashups since the ones I had checked out during the mashups lesson were mainly fun but not practical.

1 comment:

Todd said...

Hi Tammy -

Just wanted to say thank you for visiting the Supreme Court Zeitgeist and mentioning it in your blog.

If you or your readers have any questions or other feedback, please feel free to get in touch on the site's contact page.

Take care,